United Ways Establish Disaster Relief Funds For Northern And Southern California Wildfires - United Ways of California

United Ways Establish Disaster Relief Funds For Northern And Southern California Wildfires

Friday, November 16, 2018

Over the past two weeks, two significant wildfires have devastated in Northern and Southern California. The Camp Fire in Northern California, has burned over 142,000 acres, and destroyed the community of Paradise. As of this writing, over 600 people remain unaccounted for. The Woolsey and Hill Fires in Southern California has burned nearly 103,000 acres combined, and is affecting communities in both Los Angeles and Ventura Counties.

In response to the fires, several California United Ways have established disaster relief funds to help those impacted, particularly low-income families and children. We ask you to please spread the word on both of these efforts, and give today.

Camp Fire Fund in Butte County by United Way of Northern California
Website: https://www.norcalunitedway.org/camp-fire
Text to Give: Please text BUTTEFIRE to 91999
Social Media Hashtag: #CampFire

Hill and Woolsey Fires in Southern California by United Way of Greater Los Angeles and United Way of Ventura County
Website: https://www.unitedwayla.org/en/give/disaster-relief-fund/
Text to Give: Please text UWVC to 41444 to support those in Ventura County and 2018FIRES to 41444 in Los Angeles County
Social Media Hashtags: #HillFire #WoolseyFire

Additional Resources
United Way urges residents to call 2-1-1 for the latest information on available fire-related resources and opportunities to volunteer and provide additional support. 2-1-1 is available 24/7/365.

Henry Gascon


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