Home - United Ways of California

Ten Years of the CalEITC

Why we advocated for this cash-back tax credit, and why it’s critical to keep expanding it.

How Financial Situations Affect Well-Being

We surveyed community members about their financial behaviors, well-being, and needs.

Find Information and Resources You Need:

Get Help with Money, Health, and Other Basic Needs


Every dollar counts


Your voice matters


See the opportunities

We believe everyone deserves an opportunity to live their best life, get an education, and be healthy and financially stable.

Our mission is to mobilize the caring power of communities to improve health, education, and financial results for low-income children and families. In partnership with California’s local United ways, we advance opportunities for low-income Californians by implementing community impact programs and advocating for policies that help them move up.

1 in 3 California households struggle to afford a decent standard of living. We’re here to change that.

We work to break the cycle of poverty and build a better future for all Californians by strengthening:


to start California youth on a path to a bright future.

Financial Empowerment

to help struggling families move up.


to enable all Californians to live their best lives.

Over 3.7 million households in California struggle financially, roughly 240% more than reflected in federal poverty statistics.

How Much it Costs to Struggle:

The Real Cost Measure in California 2023

A United Ways of California study that examines what it actually costs to live in California by measuring the cost of housing, healthcare, child care, transportation, and other basic needs.


Tax credits build financial stability

“Foster youth don’t have a safety net. Tax credits help create stability, end the cycle of re-traumatization, and end the cycle of poverty.” 

– Wednesday Pope, former foster youth in El Dorado County

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