United Way Western Regional Conference 2024 Highlights - United Ways of California

Highlights from the 2024 Western Regional Conference

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Read time: 2 minutes

“There is no engine for social good more powerful than the United Way Network.”
Angela Williams, United Way Worldwide President & CEO, at the 2024 United Way Western Regional Conference

The 2024 United Way Western Regional Conference brought together nearly 400 United Way staff members representing 32 states and provinces, including about 120 staff from California’s United Ways. Organized by United Ways of California and United Ways of the Pacific Northwest, the biennial conference is an opportunity for United Way staff across the region (and beyond!) to grow their network and learn from subject matter experts as well as each other. 

United Way brings people together to build strong, equitable communities where everyone can thrive. The Western Regional Conference supports building cross-United Way collaborations and initiatives that leverage the power and scale of the United Way Network. It also provides an opportunity for collective Network learning and skill building to apply toward our work to boost education, economic mobility, and health resources in communities across the country.

This year’s theme was “United we thrive.” Attendees participated in four days of engaging programming, such as:

  • A keynote address by United Way Worldwide President and CEO Angela Williams, including a town-hall-style Q&A session, about the organizational vision and the collective power of United Ways across the country working together
  • Focused conversations around diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), including a keynote address by Dr. Shirley Davis, breakout sessions, and a mainstage panel discussion 
  • Breakout sessions covering a wide spectrum of topics like organizational development, fundraising, equity, community impact, resource development, talent retention, marketing, 211, and more
  • Discussions around adaptation and change, including a keynote address by Troy Cook 
  • A live musical performance by United Way of Central Eastern California President & CEO Mari Pérez-Dowling, with a special guest singing appearance from United Way of Central Eastern California staff member Amelia Dias Cabrera
  • A film screening of UnCharitable

And so much more.

United Way of Central Eastern California President & CEO Mari Pérez-Dowling and United Way of Central Eastern California staff member Amelia Dias Cabrera performing for attendees

Equally valuable, the conference provided the opportunity for United Way staff from across the country to connect and learn from one another. 

One attendee shared, “The conference was a great success and provided amazing networking and professional development opportunities.” Another said, “I loved the opportunity to engage with colleagues off screen, share best practices, and build relationships. Getting the network together under one roof is always powerful.”

We’d like to extend our sincere appreciation to our sponsors: 

We would also like to express our deep gratitude to the conference planning committee:

  • Kelly O’Lague, President & CEO, United Way of the Columbia-Willamette (Portland, OR)
  • Mari-Pérez Dowling, President & CEO, United Way of Central Eastern California
  • Dona Ponepinto, President & CEO, United Way of Pierce County (WA)
  • Rodney Prunty, President & CEO, United Way of North Central New Mexico

Thriving staff. Thriving United Ways. Thriving communities. United we thrive. 

“We have to be the ones to make change happen.”
— Dr. Shirley Davis at the 2024 United Way Western Regional Conference

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