United Way offers MyFreeTaxes: free state and federal tax preparation and filing services nationwide for households earning less than $66,000/year.
Through MyFreeTaxes, families can:
- Electronically file their taxes
- Connect tax filers to local in-person tax preparation and filing assistance through Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and AARP Tax Counseling (for elderly populations). To find a free help center near you, please call 800.906.9887 or search by location.
- Help people with disabilities connect with the National Disability Institute which has created systems to increase accessibility of free tax filing
Households earning more than $66,000 can also file their income taxes via MyFreeTaxes
To receive tax preparation and filing services, and connect with a local United Way in California about health, education, and financial stability resources, please visit http://myfreetaxes.org.